The Torre de Belém is located in the parish of Belém, municipality and District of Lisbon, in Portugal. On the right bank of the river Tagus, where once existed the beach of Belém, was primitively surrounded by the waters throughout its perimeter. Over the centuries it was wrapped around the beach, until today the firm
The use of decorated tiles dates back to the influence of the Arab peoples present in the Iberian Peninsula between the century. VIII and XIII. Its use has become so customary that virtually every house in Portugal has some kind of tile. They are a brand image of the historical districts, being the most typical
King D. Manuel made his birthday on January 21st. During the celebrations it was tradition to carry out a procession in his honor. As a rhinoceros participated in the procession and there was a concern not to smear the motorcade, the king ordered the procession to be used. Two traditions were born from these episodes:
Fado is a typical Portuguese musical style. It is usually interpreted by a vocalist (fado singer) accompanied by a classical guitar (the viola) and a Portuguese guitar. Its origins are diffuse and date back to the age of the discoveries, however the way we currently know has acquired contours in the NINETEENTH century. The word
The origins of the wine date back to the Neolithic period, in which the man accidentally discovered that, when storing grapes, they fermented, giving rise to a strong and tasty beverage. Portugal has centuries of experience in wine production. In the different regions of our country are produced the most varied wines, from the fruity
Ironically, the most famous dishes in Portugal are made with Cod… Fish in the Nordic seas. The Portuguese culinary creativity makes there are countless ways to make this fish, all of which are a delightful experience. As it is said in Portugal: “There are 1001 ways to cook cod and the best of all is…
At the beginning of the century. XIX labored with the Jerónimos monastery a sugar cane refinery, whose product was sold in a small store attached. With the extinction of the religious orders in 1834, they were put on sale in this same store some small pastels that quickly became known as the “Crayons de Belém”.